WOD 8-01-2016
10-minute treadmill warm up 1000 meter Row 12x – Bench Press – 65lbs 12x – LAT Pulldown – 72lbs 12x each arm – Dumbbell Curls – 15lbs 12x – Bench Press – 75lbs…
10-minute treadmill warm up 1000 meter Row 12x – Bench Press – 65lbs 12x – LAT Pulldown – 72lbs 12x each arm – Dumbbell Curls – 15lbs 12x – Bench Press – 75lbs…
Starting a 4 day a week workout program to strengthen my core and tone the body. 10 minute treadmill warm up 12x - Squats with 35lbs weight 12x -…
Warm Up: 10 minute on Treadmill 30 second - Wall Sits 10x Push ups 30 second - Weight Overhead Hold- 45 lbs 30 second - Wall Sits 10x Push ups…